Welcome to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belize

The Ministry is charged with implementing Belize’s foreign policy, directed toward consolidating our nation’s sovereignty, preserving our territorial integrity and protecting our national interests. The Ministry also provides consular assistance to Belizeans and foreigners abroad through a network of 18 overseas missions and 50 consulates worldwide and in Belize through its Belmopan headquarters. Our Protocol Department ensures that precedence and proper procedures are followed in accordance with national and international codes, while the Cooperation Unit strives to strengthen Belize’s bilateral relations with friendly countries and seeks opportunities to obtain assistance to complement the development of the country through these foreign partnerships.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to formulate, coordinate and implement foreign policy initiatives, addressing national economic, social and security issues while ensuring National Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity.
To enhance the quality of life of Belizeans through the proactive and effective promotion, protection, and coordination of Belize’s national interests in the bilateral, regional, and multilateral diplomatic spheres.
- Resolve the illegal claim by Guatemala on Belizean territory.
- Pursue trade, investment, tourism, scientific and cultural opportunities for Belizeans.
- Strengthen and consolidate the Ministry by reviewing its structures and institutions and by professionalizing its human resources;
- Foster integration with CARICOM and SICA and other regional partners;
- Coordinate the implementation of trade agreements (WTO plus others);
- Increase cooperation with traditional and non-traditional development partners.
The preservation and consolidation of national sovereignty and territorial integrity constitute the main frame of Belize’s foreign policy. As Belize confronts the complex arena of foreign relations in a globalized world, the guiding principle of our government of putting the welfare of Belize and Belizeans first, enable us to craft our foreign relations to complement the development of our priority areas successfully and ensure that our international relations enhance and protect our sovereignty, territorial integrity, economic and social interests at all times.
The pursuit of a peaceful resolution to the territorial dispute with Guatemala and Honduras remains a paramount diplomatic priority since it involves the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Despite Belize’s efforts to seek a peaceful diplomatic resolution to both territorial disputes, the issues are now before the International Court of Justice for adjudication.
Once a judgment is passed, a thrust of diplomatic work will be towards garnering support to request the support of our development partners and friendly countries to demarcate our borders.
Belizean diplomacy is also driven by the priorities of the domestic agenda: i.e. fulfilling the need for adequate housing; creation of greater opportunities for employment; taking advantage of Belize’s competitive advantage as a tourist destination; attracting private investment; gaining fair terms of trade for Belize’s commodities; diversification of the agricultural sector; expansion of communications and transport infrastructure, food security; and enhancing and expanding delivery of social services.
The basic principles which inform and guide the practice of Belizean diplomacy are those enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and in particular those which relate to:
- The maintenance of international peace and security
- Upholding the rule of Law
- The development of friendly relations among states
- Respect for the principle of sovereign equality, and equal rights
- The right to self determination
- Promoting and protecting Human Rights
- The peaceful settlement of disputes and the non-resort to the use of force or threat of use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state
- Non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states
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Enhancing the quality of life of Belizeans through the proactive and effective promotion, protection, and coordination of Belize’s interests.